Conception, realisation et entretien des jardins

My photo
le Grand Pressigny, 37350, Indre-et-Loire, France

20 October 2010

Courtyard garden - Azay-le-Rideau PROGRESS

A pause in the ongoing building work brings us back to the courtyard at Azay le Rideau.

No surprises...the weeds have been busy since we were last here
Prep and layout of the concrete sub base in preparation for their new patio.

Then we will be back in the New Year after the interior is done & the windows are fitted to construct the pergola for existing mature wisteria.

09 October 2010

l'art & lard - le Petit Pressigny

Success!! Trout and cat fish (truite et poisson chat!) 2009
Poterie 2009

l'art & Lard - Fete d'automne

le Petit Pressigny 37

dimanche 10 octobre 2010 10h-18h

les delices de Pressigny-le-Savoureulx

Activities include, trout fishing for 3-12 years, guess weight of the fish..pottery workshop, face paint and trampoline also for the children. Local food, drink producers, services and artisans will be there, the art is displated throughout the village in gardens, courtyards and caves.
Come and see us at the autumn fayre in le Petit Pressigny on Sunday 10th October where we will be hopefully enjoying some fine weather, good local food and perhaps even winning the odd fish or two from our pitch on the village square ;D

We will have walnuts, hazlenuts, pumpkins and plants for sale and would be happy to discuss any plans you may have for your garden in the coming months.
Bon weekend! Alex & Nicole

PS...Have not got to grips with either copying text into a google blog OR the means to add accents to french text within a google blog...that is my excuse for remaining in English....will try harder..

07 October 2010

Potager to be - Mouzay

Clearing ex-hedge which has morphed into tall light stealing trees over recent years into manageable height and depth ready for bonfire to sterlise soil and kill grass and weeds this autumn.
Next step later in raised beds ready for 'Potager season 2011' ;D

06 October 2010

The potager makes way for croquet lawn - le Petit Pressigny

The potager has been regularly cut throughout the year and a pear tree moved from another garden in Spring.

We have been back in September to help with the preparation of the croquet lawn. After killing off the weeds. The top layer of the soil has been turned and raked to remove stones and remaining weed roots (dandelion, thistle etc..).

We are back to sow the grass seed in this lovely soft October (so far ;D) and hoping the mild, even warm weather with regular night rain continues.

In November an apricot and apple tree will be planted too and iris and other flowering plants moved from where they have outgrown to provide a backdrop.

Update on the apero spot in Preuilly-sur-Claise

Check out the finished article - link to property owners blog, Cheers Simon and Susan :D

02 October 2010

Update: New bed in front of 2 gites, les Limornieres longere lavender bed

Early June, Saule (left) and Noix (right).

Update at the end of the first season - the climbing plants have made good progress in their first season. The lavender all provided a great display of fragrance, colour and flowers - filled with hummingbird hawkmoths, bees, and butterflies.

They were planted as small young plants and so remain as individual balls. To ensure a long season of colour and flowers, we underplanted with allium and sowed cosmos seeds.

Next year I expect we will want to remove some of the cosmos as the lavender bulks up but the allium should be able to remain and provide flowers before the lavender does its thing.

Oct 2010