Affectionately known now as the 'telly-tubby hill' this pile of soil is here to stay as it provides the filtration for the sustainable on-site waste management.
The plan is to plant it densely with perennial and annuals to provide a flower/colour filled view from the house April-October.
We cleared the weeds then shaped & levelled the land ready for Spring planting.
Returning in March after a mostly (relatively) mild & moist winter the grass and weeds had romped away. We cleared this green haze & got down to a timely planting into the warm soil just before a week of rain - perfect :D.
The mound is set in a woodland area of the extensive garden surrounding the recently built wooden house. Naturalist in style and surrounded by far reaching views of fields and woods a mown path surrounds the planted area, a mown grass path leading to a mown grass area on top (sun trap & perfect for a snooze or picnic :D) will help keep order during the growing season.
The maintenance will be as little or as much as the owner has time or inclination for with dead-heading helping to prolong the flowering season but a twice annual brushcutting being sufficient to ensure a repeat performance next year.
The plants are now in the ground (carex bronze, achillea 'fuerland' 'gold plate', verbena bonariensis, iris (purple and blue varieties) various michaelmas daisies, calendula)
We will visit periodically to ensure adequate water is ensuring the plants thrive in their first season and to pull the odd determined weed keen to out run the new plants.
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